Friday, July 18, 2008

Small & Medium Industries Development Corporation (SMIDEC)

Matching Grant For Product And Process Improvement


The Scheme provides matching grant to SMEs for improvement and upgrading of existing products, product design and processes upgrading.

Qualifying Criteria:

•Manufacturing companies or companies providing manufacturing related services Incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 with annual sales turnover of not exceeding RM25 million or full-time employees not exceeding 150

• For the services sector, businesses incorporated under the Registration of Business Ordinance 1956 with an annual sales turnover of not exceeding RM5 million or full-time employees not exceeding 50

• At least 60% equity held by Malaysians

• Possess valid premise license

Sector Coverage :


•Manufacturing Related Services**

•Services (excluding insurance and financial services)

** Main activities under manufacturing related services are:

->Research and Development ( R & D) such as product/ process development and software development
->Product and Process Design
->Distribution and Logistics such as warehousing, freight forwarding, bulk breaking, international procurement centre, haulage
->Marketing such as packaging and market research
->Environmental Management
->Other related services such as engineering support services, gas sterilization services, calibration and testing services

Form of Assistance:

Assistance is given in the form of a matching grant where 50% of approved project cost is borne by the Government and the remainder by the applicant. The maximum grant allocated per application is RM500,000.

Eligible Expenses:

Expenses related in improving and upgrading of existing products, product design and processes including:

•Technology Feasibility Studies

•Fees for technology transfer

•Development of prototypes and system design

•Product testing

•Product registration

•Marking and labelling

•Machine & equipment testing and calibration

•Development & designing of equipment and machinery

•Purchase of machinery and equipment

•Initial patent registration/patent search/ IP Protection

•Specific Project Mission

•Cleaner Production and Waste Treatment Project including Energy Efficiency Audit

* Machine & Equipment utilisation is crucial to assist SMEs to improve their production capacity and also reduce cycle-time. Besides that, it will also increase the quality of products. In order to assist SMEs in purchasing the relevant machinery and equipment, SMIDEC provides a list of related companies/distributors of new & used machineries & equipments according to sector.

The list are as follow:
Korean Machine Tool Guide
Parts of Industry


Application can be made using the Matching Grant for Product And Process Improvement Form which can be obtained free of charge from SMIDEC's offices or download here:

Online Application

Application Form & Project Proposal

Application Checklist

Small & Medium Industries Development Corporation (SMIDEC)

Matching Grant For Business Start-Ups

The scheme provides assistance to assist start-up of businesses.

Qualifying Criteria

•Manufacturing companies or companies providing manufacturing related services Incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 or enterprises in the manufacturing sector incorporated under the Registration of Business Ordinance 1956 with annual sales turnover of not exceeding RM25 million or full-time employees not exceeding 150

• For the services sector, businesses incorporated under the Registration of Business Ordinance 1956 with an annual sales turnover of not exceeding RM5 million or full-time employees not exceeding 50

• At least 60% equity held by Malaysians

• Possess valid premise license.

Sector Coverage :


•Manufacturing Related Services**

Services (excluding insurance and financial services)

Form of Assistance:

Assistance is given in the form of a matching grant where 50% of the approved project cost is borne by the Government and the remainder by the applicant. For enterprises in the manufacturing sector*, incorporated under the Registration of Business Ordinance 1956, assistance is given up to 80% of the approved cost. The maximum grant allocated per application is RM 100,000

Eligible Expenses

Expenses incurred in starting up a business, including:
->Preparation of Business Planning
->Related Feasibility Studies
->Rental of incubators and business premises up to 24 months
->Rental of equipment and machineries
->Development of prototype
->Product sample and testing
->Purchase of machinery or office equipment (for the services sector only)
->One year broadband subscription fee (for ICT sector)

** Main activities under manufacturing related services are:

->Research and Development ( R & D) such as product/ process development and software development
->Product and Process Design
->Distribution and Logistics such as warehousing, freight forwarding, bulk breaking, international procurement centre, haulage
->Marketing such as packaging and market research
->Environmental Management
->Other related services such as engineering support services, gas sterilization services, calibration and testing services


Application can be made using the Matching Grant for Business Start-Ups Form which can be obtained free of charge from SMIDEC's offices or download here:

Online Application

Application Form & Project Proposal

Application Checklist